Submit Your Story

Nobody Need Wait doesn't work without it's readers. It needs your stories of good will and everyday heroes.

The stories can be about good Samaritans, acts of kindness or a simple something someone did to make you smile. Or something you did to make someone else smile.

That is what is great about this website. You never have to feel bad about 'bragging' on what good deed you did. The world needs to hear more stories like this. With enough bad thing floating around, a feel good moment or two never hurt anyone.

So tell away and submit your story today! You never know who else you just might make smile. Or love. Or inspire.

Submit Your 'Nobody Need Wait' Story

Name *

Only your first name or username is used. Anonymous submissions are accepted.

Email *

Don't worry, I believe in karma. Your name and email address will not be shared with anyone.

Post Title

Time to tell your feel good story to Nobody Need Wait *

Excited to hear what all you have to tell, but please try to limit submissions to 500 words or less.

Any pictures to go along with your story?

Only non-copyrighted, original material is accepted

Web Site - optional

If you would like to include a backlink to your own blog, I will be more than happy to include it in your submission.

By checking this box and submitting, you are agreeing to let Nobody Need Wait publish your everyday hero story and pictures online.

 I agree 
Since this site is new, I have no idea what the submission turn out will be like. But I promise to get to everyone's stories in the order they were

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